Kristin and members of the Exec Board.,

"Thank you for all your hard work on this year's dance marathon. It has been our family's priviledge to attend as an honorary guest for the past six years and it is truly a highlight of our year.

'Unless you have walked the path of a child diagnosed with a life threatening disease, or been the parent of that child, it is truly difficult for you to appreciate how valuable your efforts are. Childhood is suposed to be a magical time in one's life. When children are diagnosed with a disease, the magic is immediately replaced by pain, fear and uncertainty. For a parent, the initial fear is closer to terror. There is nothing more difficult than watching your child suffer, or being afraid of losing that child. There is also the fear of how this diagnosis will impact other family members, family finances, and personal careers. Suddenly, nothing is normal and everything feels overwhelming. Even if your child survives, you question the quality of life they will enjoy. Children's Miracle Network provides tremendous hope. They are there to support families through all the questions and challenges. However, the organization must be supported by individuals willing to give of their time and resources. That is where you come in.

"The dance marathon is so much more than just a fund raising effort. Your smiles and your physical presence show these children that others care like nothing else can. The money means very little to a young child. The time you spend listening to their story, playing with them, and making them feel important, means everything. They also benefit tremendously from meeting other children in a fun environment outside a hospital or clinic. Matt treasures his friendships with Josh and the others. This is a day of celebration for them!

As a parent, I am extremely grateful that your exec board has worked to provide this time. I treasure the time to meet and share with other parents knowing my child is having a great day. I also appreciate the hotel room and the chance to have a night away as a family without more expense. Even six years out, our medical bills for checkups are extremely high. We max our deductible every year.

"My only suggestion for future marathons would be to find ways to encourage interactions between the dancers and the kids. I think everyone would benefit from getting to know each other a little better. The kids truly idolize the college students and they love it when you spend time with them!"

Thanks again for all you do!

Jeanne Williams

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